OMP Mechtron enrichs its offer improving the Microwave area

OMP Mechtron enrichs its offer improving the Microwave area

OMP Mechtron enrichs its offer improving the Microwave area

Today Omp Mechtron Group is a worldwide leader capable of providing strong support to its customers located all over the world.

Starting in 2012, following the strong push from the Telecom Market, OMP Mechtron announced the entry into the Microwave market.

Nowadays, OMP Mechtron is able to supply/provide a wide range of Microwave Passive Components starting from different kinds of waveguides until some special installation materials like Couplers and OMT.
All the Microwave Passive Components portfolio is completed and we can support the complete demand of the Customers in this field.

The Italian HQ hosts the R&D and NPI dptms, able to support Customers for the best choices during development of components; The Chinese plant houses a modern area for the mass production of microwave products with competitive market prices.

OMP Mechtron is specialized in different types of the rigid and flexible waveguides with property of the matrix for different tubes.

OMP Mechtron’s portfolio can include every kind of filter and diplexer in different technical solutions and shapes.

Another important product line is the circulators and isolators that can cover a wide range of frequencies.

Regarding this, we recently concluded the qualification of a complete family of half inch isolators, from 13GHz to 42GHz.

During the next months R&D dptm will work on the development of new dielectric filters, with the aim to be ready for the new fifth generation markets.