SUBRACK CPCI 3U 84TE fro deep 160

Subrack 3U

分类: 机箱.

CPCI 3U 84TE标准机箱.

SUBRACK CPCI 3U 84TE fro deep 160
Pos. P/N Description Q.ty
1 120.001/032 00 Side panel 3U 2
2 223.501/303 01 Lateral bracket for gasket 3U 1
3 223.501/003 01 Lateral bracket 3U 1
4 221.192/085C 01 STD front crosspiece 85TE 2
5 221.193/085C 00 Back rear crosspiece 85TE 2
6 234.013/085 00 Fastening bar M2,5 85TE 4
7 081.503/122 00 Top / Bottom cover kit Ø4 2
8 081.503/832 00 Cover side panels kit 3U 85TE 1
9 444.004 Thread forming screw M4X16 16


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