We want to start the year by sharing the planned initiatives. OMP Mechtron SPA will participate with pride in various events organized by Confidustia and the […]
Affiliated to Assolombarda since 2009 and belongs to Mecatronics Group since 2016, OMP Mechtron is “the company of the week”. Created 30 years ago by the […]
With more than 30 years of experience, today OMP Mechtron is a worldwide leader for customized mechanical production and electronic integration. The wide range of offered […]
OMP wants to inform all customers that its offices will be closed for winter break from December 27th until January 9th 2017. OMP team wish you all […]
For Christmas 2013 OMP Mechtron has decided to help the Co-operative Solaris-Onlus in order to support handicapped children. We take this occasion to wish you a […]
The Staff of OMP Mechtron S.p.a. wishes to everyone a peaceful Christmas 2012 and a 2013 of joy, happiness and great satisfactions.
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