December 6, 2017

OMP MECHTRON start VIMAGO production

OMP Mechtron SPA is proud to have started 2019 with the mass production of the VIMAGO product, thanks to the trust of our customer. Vimago is […]
September 7, 2017

OMP Mechtron enrichs its offer improving the Microwave area

Today Omp Mechtron Group is a worldwide leader capable of providing strong support to its customers located all over the world. Starting in 2012, following the […]
October 8, 2014
OMP Mechtron has acquired RCE srl

OMP Mechtron has acquired RCE srl

On September 18th 2014, OMP Mechtron has acquired RCE srl, a leading company in the market of Microwave Passive Components (filters, circulators, terminations, couplers, duplexer etc). […]