OMP Mechtron was selected by PMI’s observatory, managed by Global Strategy, as one of their 448 excellent companies.
On June 9th at the prestigiuos Palazzo Mezzanotte in Milan, the consultancy firm Global Strategy introduced their annual report related to the PMI’s observatory. The event took place during a convention titled: ““Excellence in growth: entrepreneurs in comparison ”.
Andrea Conte, CEO of OMP Mechtron, joined the event not only as a representative of an Excellent company, but also as a speaker during one of the workshops organized during the day.
OMP Mechtron, as well as the other excellent companies is characterized to have exceeded the average of its specific sector during the last 5 years in more then 10 different economical, financial and patrimonial criterions analyzed by the Observatory. At the same time OMP was able to develop internal changes in order to make the company competitive in the global markets that are becoming more and more aggressive.
What factors led to OMP Mectron being grouped with the other excellent companies?
Innovation and internalization, these look to be the two key elements able to distinguish a successful company. These two concepts were extensively discussed by the present entrepreneurs, together with the necessity of big investments, that increased during the last years more than in the past. The excellent companies have understood before the others, the new meaning of internationalization , one that is no longer seen as a “production delocalization” but as a more complex and complete internalization of resources, technologies and assets.
An excellent company is one that is able to innovate and renew itself and is the one able to stand out and recognize that its capabilities and abilities are coming into a more complex and dynamic global supply chain.