OMP Mechtron: where Italian excellence meets the Robotics Industry

OMP Mechtron: where Italian excellence meets the Robotics Industry

OMP Mechtron: where Italian excellence meets the Robotics Industry

The partnership between ABB Robotics and OMP Mechtron Group has just begun and it’s destined to be a long and profitable relationship.
Thanks to its global footprint as well as its ability to be a “glocal” support for its customers, OMP Mechtron Group can be acknowledged as a partner for them, not just a simple supplier.
The Global presence of OMP Mechtron’s facilities, in Italy, China and Mexico, allows the company to better supply a multinational company like ABB Robotics wherever it asks and needs.
We can surely say that, the approach to the world of robotics can be considered for OMP a double success.
Firstly, being selected as a strategic partner for one of the “big companies” in the robotics world is an honor as well as the best way to approach the emerging/growing market of automation/robotics.
Secondly, a mechatronic company, who is looking/approaching Industry 4.0, like OMP, must consider the importance of introducing new robotics technology into its facilities, with the aim to improve its performance in terms of quality and products through the years and to be more competitive worldwide.
Emerging as an innovative company is in OMP’s DNA and is part of its mission. OMP’s aim is to continually improve its time to market, to meet and to exceed its customers’ needs/requests, like ABB Robotics.